An interesting play about feminine
Have you ever pay attention to vagina?
If vagina can talk, what would it say? 

Eve Ensler who is the playwright of this play interviewed a great variety of women and compiled their stories of their vaginas to become this play. It was played in New York in 1997 for the first time. And it’s now performed in Chinese in Taipei.
Vagina is part (can it be called an organ? I am not sure.) of every woman’s body. However, women seldom talk about it. Even when forced to discuss it for some reason, we avoid talking loudly just like when we talk about our eyes, stomachs, or... Instead, we murmur “there” “down there”… and worry to be overheard by others.
This play breaks the tradition. It’s all talking about vaginas, different kind of vaginas. It talks loudly and in public. Some vaginas are happy, some are hurt, some are sad, some are sweet, some are angry, some are sick, some are healthy, some are soft, some are smelly, some are molested, some are nervous, some are beautiful, some are weak, some are shy, some are young, some are abandoned, some are warm, some are …
Pay more attention to vagina, listen to its need and take better care of it.

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